Holiday Stress in Children

Coping With Everyday Problems on Special Occasions

How can a stressed out child be thankful?

Get ready to leave!
Set the table?
Pack your stuff!
Empty your backpack!

Children in California today are showing signs of stress: poor sleep, poor diet, low academic achievement, in alarming numbers. We have a tip to help families release stress, communicate better and remember that they are thankful for each other.

Have a family meeting before the holiday:
Have an agenda
Schedule the HAPPY Holidays
Prioritize: for example, school events or church programs.

With the variety of blended families and a variety of work/school/sports schedules each family member can pick one thing that is most important to them throughout the holiday season.

Plan for quiet time to rest.

At Cross Creek Counseling, we have rooms designed to enhance relaxation, nutrition and self-expression. Whether you want a little direction for helping you and your child adjust to holiday stress or you are concerned that your child is too stressed, we can help.

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If you are interested in these ideas and want more information here are other websites:

This is an excellent article on stress in children from the American Psychological Association.

Multiple parents can cause stress in blended families around holidays.

Holidays can also cause poor nutrition for children (and adults).

And here's another great article on children's stress.

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