Dictionary of Terms


Validity The degree to which the operational definition of a variable accurately reflects the variable it is designed to measure or manipulate.

Variable A measure capable of assuming any of several values.

Variable Errors An error caused by random differences in experimental conditions, such as the subjectís mood or changes in the environment.

Variable-Interval Schedule A schedule of reinforcement similar to a fixed-interval schedule but characterized by a variable time requirement with a particular mean.

Variable-Ratio Schedule A schedule of reinforcement similar to a fixed-ratio schedule but characterized by a variable response requirement with a particular mean.

Variation The differences found across individuals of any given species in terms of their genetic, biological (size, strength, physiology), and psychological characteristics (intelligence, sociability, behavior).

Vertebra One of the bones that encase the spinal cord and constitute the vertebral column.

Vestibular Apparatus The receptive organs of the inner ear that contribute to balance and perception of head movement.

Vestibular Sac One of a set of two receptor organs in the inner ear that detect changes in the tilt of the head.

Visual Agnosia The inability of a person, who is not blind, to recognize the identity or use of an object by means of vision; usually caused by damage to the brain.

Voice-Onset Time The delay between the initial sound of a voiced consonant (such as the puffing sound of the phoneme /p/) and the onset of vibration of the vocal cords.

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